Sunday, December 23, 2012

Aquarium Supplies BT-9 Mosura Shrimp Supplement For Sale

Aquarium Supplies BT-9 Mosura Shrimp Supplement For Sale
Mosura BT-9 Add To Cart

Mosura BT-9 is a powerful, multipurpose bacteria culture that is specially cultivated to be used in shrimp tanks. It consists of both aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. BT-9 purifies water by decomposing ammonia and nitrite, which can be toxic to shrimp and other livestock. Left over feed and organic matter are broken down so as to avoid sludge. BT-9 also lowers Biological Oxygen Demand (B.O.D) and increases dissolved oxygen. Most importantly, BT-9 replenishes beneficial bacteria lost due to environmental and tank water changes. BT-9 can also be used to combat bacterial infections in shrimp through competitive exclusion.

Recommended usage:
- during set up and cycling of a new shrimp tank (double dose on Day 1, 3 and 7)
- after water change (standard dose)
- weekly maintenance (standard dose)
- high density shrimp tanks (standard dose weekly)
- problematic (sudden heavy shrimp casualties, on and off small numbers of shrimp deaths) tanks (standard dose to double dosage every alternate day)
- after filter maintenance (double dose on Day 1 and Day 3).

It is recommended to turn on aeration when using BT-9 for best results. Shrimp prefer a high dissolved oxygen content.

Standard Dosage:

1 level scoop of BT-9 per 100 liters of water. Dose directly into tank water.

Each bottle of BT-9 treats up to 20,000 liters of water.

When using BT-9 to speed up tank cycling, for the first application, 2 doses are recommended. 1 is buried under the gravel together with Old Sea Mud Powder and another dose is scattered on the gravel. Use dechlorinated water to fill up the tank. A suitable water conditioner like Mosura Shizhen is recommended to remove chlorine from tap water before allowing tap water to enter the tank.

Item Name BT-9 Mosura Shrimp Supplement
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Source: BT-9 Mosura Shrimp Supplement

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